Chateau Mcely

Escape from the hustle and bustle of the city
to the picturesque central Bohemian village of Mcely

Our eco-chic chateau hotel is situated just under an hour’s drive from Prague.
It’s an ideal location for romantic getaways, spa breaks, family gatherings, weddings and company meetings. 
Our mission is to go well beyond hospitality...

Let Our Story Enchant You

Chateau Mcely is a place of ancient history, of exceptional positive energy, of balance and harmony, of wonders, of deep rest, of incredible stories, a place where destinies change, where love is lived to the fullest, where mundane cares are forgotten, a place hard to leave behind and easy to love forever. There's no place like MCELY.

24 rooms and yet each different and unique

Each of our 24 rooms is decorated in a different style, each has its own name, and each is furnished with maximum care and with an emphasis on the smallest detail. The first floor is a showcase of the continents, while the second floor is a showcase of time and important visitors to the chateau. The third floor is home to the Agape Presidential Suite, with the most beautiful views of the surrounding English park and the St George Forest.

Award-Winning Restaurant:
Piano Nobile

Our restaurant's creative team carefully prepares seasonal menus using ingredients primarily from local suppliers, the chateau gardens, and our own smokehouse under the guiding hand of our experienced executive chef Honza Štěrba. The restaurant also features the delightful Bellavista Patio, a conservatory-style space with views of the English park.

The Pure, Natural Mcely Bouquet Spa

The Mcely Bouquet Spa is dedicated to nature, inspired by herbal aromatherapy. Here you can stop time for a little while and pamper yourself in our oasis of calm and beauty.


In the beginning there was a woman and love ... The pure, natural organic cosmetics line was founded by the owner of Chateau Mcely, Inéz Cusumano, in 2010. From a young age, she blended her own oils and balms for her sensitive skin. When it came time to source cosmetic products for the chateau spa, she refused to compromise.

She felt she had to come up with her own brand that would be in keeping with the story of the place and the eco-friendly ethos of the chateau. She attended the perfume school in Grasse, France, immersed herself in learning about aromatherapy, discovered the local story of the healing Nine Flowers tradition, which cared for health and beauty centuries ago, and began testing her products on her family and friends. The result was the first nine products, inspired by the Mcely tradition of the Nine Flowers. This was the very beginning of MCELY BOUQUET, born alongside the MCELY BOUQUET SPA. It was a pioneering concept at the time, based on nature and the belief in and love for the powers of natural herbs. The magic number 9 is also closely associated with Mcely. In 1849, the Queen of Heaven appeared to three orphan girls in Mcely and told them nine secrets - today these Marian visions are known as the Mcely Miracle. Since its inception, the product line has grown from the original line-up of nine products to a wide range of hand-blended products for the whole body, from head to toe. 

The cosmetic products are blended by hand in the chateau laboratory in small batches using only the freshest and purest chemically untreated ingredients. Their healing properties are based on rare essential oils, homemade herbal extracts, and the use of traditional alchemical methods. The cosmetics rejuvenate and heal the body, soothe the mind, and elevate the spirit. 


@chateaumcely #chateaumcely

🌸Jarní novinky v restauraci Piano Nobile Náš tým je připraven servírovat ty nejlepší jarní speciality! Přijďte si vychutnat nové odlehčené pokrmy, které pro vás tým šéfkuchaře Honzy Štěrby připravil…

🌸 Očistěte své tělo i mysl a přivítejte jaro v našich lázních MCELY BOUQUET SPA s rituálem Jarní tání, inspirovaným elementem vzduchu. 150minutový jarní rituál přináší očistu, naději, změnu a pohyb.…

Přijeďte oslavit Velikonoce na venkov do Mcel od 17. do 21. dubna! Užijte si velikonoční hodování od Honzy Štěrby, hluboký odpočinek při jarním rituálu v MCELY BOUQUET SPA a bohatý program. Kino na…

Ochutnejte nové chody ze sezonního à la carte menu v čerstvě oceněné restauraci Piano Nobile maximálním počtem tří zlatých lvíčků v prestižním průvodci nejlepších českých restaurací. 🏅 Co třeba hovězí…

Nazout brusle a jedeme! ⛸️ Ať už jste zkušený bruslař nebo se chystáte na led poprvé po letech 🧊, naše kluziště je místem, kde se můžete uvolnit a užít si zábavu s rodinou nebo přáteli. Nechybí ani…

4chodové Karnevalové menu v Chateau Mcely je plné lahodných pokrmů, které vás zavedou do masopustních tradic s moderním nádechem. 🎉🍷 Menu za jedinečnou cenu 990 Kč včetně sklenice vína nebo…

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